Very Few Photographic Records

Seeing all the WONDERFUL Christmas pictures on other blogs, I'm a little depressed that THIS picture is the only one that came out of the few I took yesterday!  It you look closely, you can count five heads.  (There were 7 grandchildren here altogether.)  THIS one took place before dinner which was late because the cook "disremembered" the baking time.  There were parades and lots of drumming.

Finally we decided to change plans and have our gift exchange BEFORE dinner which suited everyone just fine!  We read the Christmas story, sang Away in a Manger, and then watched each other open their stockings and gifts.  There are NO photographic records of this exchange.

Dinner was finally ready and enjoyed in the semi-warm garage where there was room for all.  Later the children watched a Winnie the Pooh Christmas DVD and had a hot chocolate and cookie party by candlelight.  Again, no photographic records of this event.

Then bedtime. 

Maybe today I can try to get everyone to sit still long enough to get at least ONE photographic record of our time here before we all head over to Ohio for a couple of days with the extended family! Lesson learned:  Candid shots involving 7 children and a cell phone camera are NOT easy to come by!


  1. Sorry Rebecca, At least you have memories in your heart and a recorded memory. I did not get pictures either...battery not charged up :(

  2. I know you are taking pictures with your eyes and heart and will long remember this special time!

    I'm so impressed that you can gather in your garage for a meal. It would be totally out of the question over here...I relieve myself of guilt by telling myself the garage doesn't fall under the category of "my" domain...LOL

  3. oh my sweet friend you have made a memory for everyone, and the important thing is you were all together! Is disremember even a
    Big hugs and enjoy Ohio.....:-)Hugs

  4. You know Rebecca, I always get so caught up in the moment too, so then of course it isn't until much later that I think I wish I had a picture of it all. But Jacquelyn's comment is right on the mark, we will carry these memories in our hearts!

    And I was so bad with cooking Christmas dinner too! My ham and some side dishes were done long before the pasta & broccoli was ready (for the non-meat eaters)! I just got so taken with all the hoopla going on around me (plus the fact that I could use another burner or two on the stove top!). Oh well, it all turned out fine!

    Looks like you had a very Blessed Christmas surrounded by your loving family! Beautiful!
    And thanks for sharing it with us!
    Love to you,

  5. Beautiful photos....even more wonderful memories, Rebecca.
    Happiness from our home to yours.
    Love and hugs,

  6. Don't feel bad; I did horribly with my picture taking... only getting a few good ones. I suppose I get lazy and then never really do anything with them, thus the reason for so few. I need to do better.

    OK.. now I have guilt.


  7. I'm glad someone else "disremembers" things, too! Sounds like your family had a wonderful time!

  8. Don't feel bad Rebecca, I was so sick that I only took maybe four photos and not one had a Christmas Theme!! Oh well, maybe next year! Love Di ♥

  9. Photographs. I love them. But, like you, I never remember to take them. Emily got some wonders though because photographs (or the enhancement of them) are her thing.

    Everyone has a photographic memory, but not everyone has film. ~Author Unknown


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)