What I'm Reading

I enjoy the descriptive language Frances Mayes wields so capably in describing life in her second home - Tuscany.  (I skip over the recipes at the end of most chapters because I know I will never "do" them.)  I need to finish this because I'm anxious to read the new novel by Anne Lamott...and I have a third book in the wings--a Francine Rivers book that Donna lent me.  Would you believe I've never read one of F.R.'s books?

Unfortunately I've fallen behind in my read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year plan.  I WILL complete this!  I just have a lot of catch-up to do (not to mention house-cleaning).   A friend I haven't seen since high school days is coming to over-night with us tomorrow on her way to Cincinnati, so I SHOULD be motivated.


  1. Oh, I hardly ever read anymore, when I read, I like to read a book straight through in a day or two, and I just don't have a whole day or two to devote anymore. I miss it though and my husband always says, "Just read a book like a normal person would, a little at a time over a few weeks." Can't do it.

    And isn't it something how life gets in the way of all our best-laid plans?!
    You'll finish your Bible-in-a-year, it's just that your vacation sort of side-tracked you.

    Love to you,

  2. That should be great fun
    reminiscing with your old
    high school friend. Have
    a wonderful visit.

  3. You sound so much like me...I usually have several books going at once! Have a wonderful time with your friend! I'm sure it will be terrific whether your house is clean or not :-) Love you! Janine XO

  4. Enjoy your old school friend and I am sure you will eventually catch up with all your book reading.........:-) Hugs

  5. House cleaning is over-rated! Coming from one who certainly doesn't overdo in that area! If we have more days like today, it will be easy to curl up in a chair and read.

  6. Will have to check out Frances Mayes and Ann Lamott. I think I've read just about everything by Francine Rivers...the last was Her Mother's Hope. It's easy to get sidetracked from cleaning and other chores by books calling your name..

    Hope you enjoy your visit with your friend. A true friend is the rarest of all blessings.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)