Reflecting on Schedules

Me - without a schedule

"There is more to life than increasing its speed," so said Mahatma Gandhi. As we spend our last two days of vacation with 48 hours of STAY-cation, we are experiencing the joys of life sans schedule.  Except for attending a baby shower at which I have agreed to bring a "devotional" this afternoon, we have no schedule.  Interestingly, it seems we actually may have accomplished more without a schedule yesterday than on the days we consciously HAVE one.  ( I'll have to think about that for awhile.)   Schedules--especially full ones--seem to me to have a way of increasing life's speed.
 I'm so proud of my husband's skill and diligence in constructing these shutters yesterday from pieces we'd found discarded curbside.  The shutters we saw while in Charleston, South Carolina, were the inspiration to get this job in motion.  It was accomplished in a day.  Unscheduled, of course!


  1. Oh I couldn't agree more. A day full of
    activities makes it pass by much more
    quickly. Before we know it the day is
    spent and we're wondering where it went.
    I get a lot more accomplished when I
    follow no schedule.

  2. I love the shutters! I think they make such a difference in the home's appearance. I had Jake put shudders up years ago but we bought them from Lowe's! Nice job Gary!
    I know what you mean about the schedules. I too get more done when I don't plan!
    Love Di ♥

  3. Love the shutters, they make a home look so cozy.......and I agree, a life without schedules and plans can just be full of so much fun but sometimes it is important to schedule........:-) Hugs

  4. The new shutters are beautiful...

    I had a chance to visit your blog place again this morning. I really wanted to do this just to catch up on you. I know you have been on a vacation, and one of these days I will have a long blog visit with you to read up on your recent posts.

    What a refreshing time it must have been for you.

    Yes, a day without schedules...that's the best.


  5. How lovely that you had the opportunity to be refreshed and renewed!


  6. Oh, they are so gorgeous!! Isn't it lovely to be able to tackle the projects that we wish to doesn't seem like work under such circumstances... So glad you had such a wonderful vacation! Love you! Janine XO

  7. The shutters look great...and I like the color of them. Hubbby gets a gold star! :)

  8. Just stopping by to send you my love, and to wish you a wonderful week! Is your vacation now officially over? Hope it won't be too hard getting back to the routine after such a lovely vacation! Love you, Janine XO

  9. Beauty out of someone else's leftovers. I imagine that will preach... file that one away.


    I'm working on a schedule as well, although not fond of one. Still and yet, I need it to get me through my procrastination some days.



Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)