I Woke Up This Morning...You Were On My Mind

"When Morning Gilds the Skies"

It was there this morning! A song. THIS song. I have yearned for the the day that He was my first thought in the morning...not what I needed to do, not how I slept, not something left over from yesterday. Just Jesus. And today there was this song... May Jesus Christ be praised!

When morning gilds the skies, my heart awaking cries,
may Jesus Christ be praised!
Alike at work and prayer to Jesus I repair,
may Jesus Christ be praised!

Does sadness fill my mind? A solace here I find,
may Jesus Christ be praised!
Or fades my earthly bliss? My comfort still is this,
may Jesus Christ be praised!

The night becomes as day, when from the heart we say,
may Jesus Christ be praised!
The powers of darkness fear when this sweet chant they hear,
may Jesus Christ be praised!

Be this, while life is mine, my canticle divine,
may Jesus Christ be praised!
Be this th'eternal song through all the ages long,
may Jesus Christ be praised!


  1. Oh, happy day for you!
    My mind has to seek Him, as it is so cluttered all the time with what to do, who to see, on to the next plan, what went on yesterday, last week, last year.
    I do seek Him, and I do talk to God continually throughout the day about my life/day/people/situations/etc., but no, He is not foremost in my mind upon waking.
    'So glad for you!

  2. A very uplifting post my friend, I have to admit he is with me always, I start and end each day on my knees....have always felt him with me....:-) Hugs

  3. Why can't we wake up every morning with Jesus on our mind? Ah, the cares and pressures of this world, etc. When I have insomnia, I take time then to praise him and to pray for concerns. At least then my sleeplessness is still productive.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)