New Things

  1. Trying something new opened a flood gate of courage in me.
  2. Trying something new showed me I could enjoy something new; something previously off my radar!
  3. Trying something new took me out of the safety of my routine (not that there's anything wrong with a routine) and stretched my ability to trust -- others AND myself.
  4. Trying something new forced me to grow.  In the words of Alex LickermanWe don't ever grow from taking action we've always taken (the growth that enabled us to be able to take it has already occurred). Growth seems to require we take new action first, whether it's adopting a new attitude or a new way of thinking, or literally taking new action. Thrusting yourself into new situations and leaving yourself there alone, so to speak, often forces beneficial change. A spirit of constant self-challenge keeps you humble and open to new ideas that very well may be better than the ones you currently hold dear (this happens to me all the time)
  5.  Trying something new was a confidence builder for me.  
  6.  Trying something new stretched me mentally and physically.  I don't want to shrink but  expand!
  7.  Trying something new helps me remember my Heavenly Father is always up to New Things!
Showing off a bit...."No hands!"
 For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun!
 Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. 
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.  Isaiah 43:19
Stopping to see Frank Lloyd Wright's home and studio - Oak Park, IL

Thanks to my friend Brenda for arranging this experience and sharing these pictures with me.
Donna, Brenda's sister and my good friend, drove us there and can vouch for the fact
that I really DID maneuver a Segway on public sidewalks without any major mishaps!


  1. Well that looks like awesome fun!!



  2. what fun, what challenge. Good for you! I love your adventurous spirit! You inspire me.

  3. Look at you Rebecca you look amazing on that Segway!! Hey I've been inside that F.L.W. house, it's awesome inside!! I did something new too, I went four wheeling over the weekend, only this time I drove it myself! What fun!!! I love this post and the photos, makes me home sick. I only lived about five miles from that house!! Love Di ♥

    1. Oh, Di. Wish you could have been with us! It really was fun. I'd love to take the Interior Tour I saw advertised coming up in Oct. The neighborhood was SO beautiful - landscaping mature, full & gorgeous...

      Good for you - 4-wheeling! Isn't it fun to do new things?!?!

  4. You look great! And it looks like it was great fun! But I think I would probably be such a 'scared-y cat', I don't know if I would have the nerve to try it. Great job!
    The Frank Lloyd Wright sounds very interesting, I would love to have been alongside you!
    Love and Prayers,


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)