
 Brand new phone.  Dropped.  Later realize the back is cracked.
Laminate floor.  Moved furniture onto it to accommodate carpet layers. 
Noticed long scratch when furniture was returned to newly-carpeted room.
Laptop.  Stepped on it.  (Long time ago.)  Cracked the screen.  Major inconvenience.  Still not fixed.
It feels like I'm surrounded by it. 
Perfectionist that I am (at least in my mind if not in practice),
it bugs me. 
I want a DO-OVER.  Not a repair.
Can anyone relate?
I'm not sure what the lesson is here.  Maybe something to do with brokenness?

 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.  Psalm 147:3


  1. Do they still work?
    Damaged doesn't mean defeated.
    You go girl.

    1. Yes. They do work (the laptop with glitches). Thanks for the reminder. Damage DOESN'T mean defeat!

  2. Oh you have no idea how I can relate!!! We just now brought in groceries and a bottle of jalapeno stuffed olives for Thanksgiving fell to ceramic tile and broke badly...all over place!!! This is just latest in series of things. I would say from my present perspective that the lesson is that none of it makes any real difference in the end...only things which can replaced while life can not.

    1. Another great lesson! (See above.) Thanks, Claudia. You are SO right. Will you be replacing the stuffed olives?

  3. Well I want to shout YES!! These were my thoughts today as I get ready for a job interview. I want a do over! I look around and so many things need repaired and no budget to do it. Yes, brokenness, I am so glad He is close to those broken in spirit. I like this post!

    1. ♥ I think "brokenness" goes with the human condition. Thankfully, there is One who is close to those broken in spirit (and well able to restore). God, help me NOT to become so side-tracked by the breakdown of THINGS around me that I neglect to notice my need for renewal of my spirit!

      (Praying that God will crown your efforts with success and match His provision to your need.

  4. Oh, mercy, I can relate. I want perfection in the things I own, too....but if you'd look at our home, you'd think that statement was a big fat lie. I'm not a housekeeper....it's clean (for the most part....maybe some dust bunnies here and there)....but cluttered. I do like my STUFF! Maybe it's a reminder to just be satisfied.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)