We Walked in Beauty

 These were the sights along the halls
 as we walked through them
 after visiting a friend in a local hospital this morning.
 It was chilly and wet outdoors
 but doing our 30 minute walk indoors
 was a pleasant experience --
 and colorful, too!
 It felt like a visit to an art gallery,
fitness center
 and botanical garden all rolled into one!


  1. What a lovely atmosphere to walk in...and hope the friend does well.

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    Wow, what a great place to walk, I have never thought of that. We used to walk
    in the mall, and our mall is sort of a weekend mall, so not very busy during
    week days, so it is cool and nice. We haven't done that in quite sometime for
    some strange reason, guess cause we haven't been as diligent with our exercising
    as we used to be, but trying to rectify that problem this new year.......lol
    Our hospital is really lovely and has beautiful pics with scripture verses on
    them which is really neat I think!
    Yours was quite a scenic walk.......looks very enjoyable..........and know you
    must have really enjoyed it, not to mention your friend must have enjoyed the visit as well.
    Blessings, and Happy New Year,

  3. You enjoyed the "roses" along the way.
    Wonderful message in this blog....

  4. There's so much life in those paintings!

  5. How beautiful! What a lovely and healing place and trust you to find the beauty and goodness there! You are good at that.

  6. What a beautiful hospital. A great place to heal!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)