What in the WORLD?

I found it posted here: 

Being the skeptic that I am, I tried it with my pathetic broom.  The handle is even slanted to be ergonomically correct.  And at 8:54 it was standing like this!  Ten minutes later, it's still standing.  So what is at the root of this phenomenon? According to the blog:
"Apparently, right now the way the planets and the equinox are lined up, it effects the gravitational pull and the brooms stood for over 30 minutes before they fell. Some people are reporting longer. This should work for the next few days.
How do you do it?
Make sure the broom is north / south, stand it up as centered as you can, then gently let go.
You may have to help it find its center a little.
You will actually feel a slight pull when it sets."

 I wonder, could there be another explanation???


  1. Wanted to say "Thank you" for posting your comment on my blog. I will add you to my blog favorites so others can enjoy your writing. BTW, I took piano in my youth .. I had that "playing by ear" gift ... my mom still has the baby grand and it will be mine one day ... longevity being in our genes, I think I'd just as well go and buy one myself. ;)


  2. Interesting.

    Hope you have a wonderfully, beautiful day.

    Blessings, andrea

  3. Hello Rebecca,
    Like Denise.... very interesting!! Thanks for sharing

  4. Hi Rebecca! This was fun! I did it and took a pic! Mine only stood for about 5 min at the longest! How funny! Hope you are having a great day!

  5. Well thanks a lot, Rebecca. I'm a "have to know" person so I've been fooling with this for the past 1/2 hour! So far my broom has been standing alone in my kitchen for 10 minutes. It also worked out in the garage. I got brave and tried it outside in the driveway but it was pretty breezy out there and it didn't work. So here I sit, staring at my broom when I have millions of things to do on my 1/2 day "off"! What a hoot!

  6. My broom actually stood from a little before 9:00 a.m. to a little before 11:00 a.m.! I walk around it in the kitchen several times. I still am totally puzzled by the whole thing.

  7. How interesting!! I wonder if this would have always 'worked'.....it's something I've never tried....but be assured I will!
    Smiles from Jackie

  8. I am off to try this little experiment. I love all these little things you teach and show me Rebecca, (I have a Cornish Hen and vegetable in the slow cooker as we speak)....:-) Hugs

  9. I will have to try this although I have my doubts as our floors are VERY unleveled! But I will give it a go.
    Love Di

  10. Third try on trying to leave a message. Guess I cannot copy the word right? :-)

    Anyhoooo, This was fun! Had to pass it on. Is it really the equinox or does it always work?

  11. People more knowledgeable than I say it is not the equinox, etc. but should be able to be done today and always.....and that it need not be north and south....who knows. Our son put a broom up at 10:00 yesterday at work and it was still standing this morning when he returned! Now how can THAT be?

  12. I didn't read blogs for at least a day, so now I'm catching up. BUT I am going to try this! Thanks for passing on this phenomenon. Donna


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)