
Some Things Stay the Same

We still have flowerbeds.
St. Francis resides in one of them.
My father (age 96) still lives with us.
We still enjoy evening drives into the countryside.
I am trying to get back into the swing
of blogging.
Most of my online time has been spent on Facebook and Twitter, but I've missed this outlet.
Is anyone still here???


  1. I'm here and I've missed my fellow bloggers!
    I'm glad your dad is doing well.

  2. I'm here. Glad you back!

  3. Hi Rebecca, I am still here as I think you already know, but thought I would let you know just in case. Have to say it is nice that there are some things that stay the same especially in this crazy mixed up world. We have a of things that have stayed the same, we are married almost 53 yrs,
    and we have lived in the same house and gone to the same church for 43 years. We have know a lot of the same people for a lot of years some 50 + yrs., some for 43 or less.
    Most people thing of sameness as boring.........I find it wonderful myself.
    and bet you do too.
    Have a great rest of the week sweetie,

    1. I'm pretty sure I did this post in my sleep! Thanks for commenting. Not sure I can keep blogging up, but will try. Meanwhile sSO nice to hear from you!
