
Sweet HourS of Prayer

My Utmost for His Highest again...  Yesterday:  "The Lord restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends" (Job 42:10).    "If you are not receiving the 'hundredfold' which Jesus promised, and not getting insight into God's Word, then start praying for your friends...As a saved soul, the real business of your life is intercessory prayer..."

And today:  "...don't worry anymore about yourself, but begin to do as Jesus Christ has said, in essence 'Pray for the friend who comes to you at midnight, pray for the saints of God, and pray for all men...How long is it going to take God to free us from the unhealthy habit of thinking only about ourselves?" 

Fueled by these statements and an unexplainable prompting of the Holy Spirit, I resolved to pray today (as God enabled me) hourly.  It's 12:30 p.m. now.  I prayed early and set the timer on my stove for 1 hour.  When it went off, I prayed again and repeated this until now.  My intention is to continue the hourly prayer break the rest of the day.

In between, I have made a run to the grocery store, prepared lunch, done a load of wash, mended a pair of my husband's shorts, and need to deadhead our rose bushes.  So far, it has been an incredibly blessed day.  And prayer requests have been delivered to me in unexpected ways.  My list is growing.  My stove-top has become an altar.


  1. That is a great idea. I think I will try setting my alarm. I have been convicted lately about neglicting a prayer request that i have prayed for years and grown weary. This will keep me accountable.

  2. I agree it is a great idea. I try to just
    keep a running conversation going with
    the Lord throughout the day whatever I
    am involved in. It is amazing how many
    things there are to pray about in just
    the course of one day.

  3. Good for you, Sandy! (These hourly "breaks" for me were different from my running conversations somehow. Hard to explain -- except that I just stopped everything and prayed out loud and specifically for some people and situations that I had said I'd pray for, etc.)

  4. Well the Lord has been sending that strong message me even more confirmation...I posted this morning on the same devotional and my conviction to pray!

  5. It isn't that we don't have time. It's that we don't make time. I love the idea of doing something so physical and conscious to prompt a prayer break. It obviously has made you aware of how much you can accomplish and still make time through the day for purposeful prayer. Thanks for bringing us in...

    Blessings, Debbie

  6. Thank you so much for this reminder! It's been a long time since I've thought of this verse. Love it, Rebecca.

  7. It was such a humbling and precious experience yesterday that I'm doing it again! (Yesterday I began at 7:30 & prayed my last "hourly" prayer at 5:30 for a total of 11 times.)

  8. Today has been a bit better so you're hourly prayers are working. I have been praying also. Sometimes it is a last resort!
    Love Di ♥

  9. Hi Rebecca,
    You are so right about praying for others, and it is such a joy to watch God answer those prayers,
    that is the biggest blessing!
    Prayer what an awesome gift God has given us, and we take it so for granted at times, it is an awesome thought but an awesome truth that we can move the hand of God by our prayers...........
    Wow........who wouldn't want to pray, I say!!

    Hey, make sure to come by tomorrow afternoon for
    Thankful Thursday I will have a pic of Mr. guess who???
    and thanks for your sweet comments on my Father's day table.

    Blessings my friend, Nellie
